Hello and welcome to my website and my FIRST blog post. I am Tosin Hassan (Pronounced Toe-sin). I'm a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) by trade. I currently living Silver Spring, Maryland, but by the time you are reading this I will have started my "nomad" journey. Hence the name Tosin Wanders.
Some facts about me:

I am the oldest of 3
I was born in Nigeria and raised in Maryland
I love ramen
I'm an adrenaline junkie
Why I started my blog
I started this site as a way to document my journey and to be more open and to take up more space in this world. I want people to fully see me in my authentic self without filters.
About the blog
This is where I am going to share my adventures, restaurants / foodie ventures, art and other fun and interesting things I come across. Tag along for the awesome ride.
